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Alaska Native 
Corporation Links

The Alaska Native Regional Corporations were established in 1971 when the United States Congress passed the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) which settled land and financial claims made by the Alaska Natives and provided for the establishment of 13 regional corporations to administer those claims.

The state was originally divided into twelve regions, each represented by a "Native association" responsible for the enrollment of past and present residents of the region. Individual Alaska Natives enrolled in these associations, and their village level equivalents, were made shareholders in the Regional and Village Corporations created by the Act. The twelve for-profit regional corporations, and a thirteenth region representing those Alaska Natives who were no longer residents of Alaska in 1971, were awarded the monetary and property compensation created by ANCSA. Village corporations and their shareholders received compensation through the regional corporations. The fact that many Alaska Native villages throughout the state were not empowered by the ANCSA to form village corporations led to a number of lawsuits.

The regional and village corporations are now owned by Alaska Native people through privately owned shares of corporation stock. Alaska Natives alive at ANCSA's enactment on December 17, 1971, who enrolled in a Native association (at the regional and/or village level) received 100 shares of stock in the respective corporation. In 2006, the 109th Congress passed S.449 which amended ANCSA, and allowed for shares to be more easily issued to those who had missed the enrollment, or were born after the enrollment period[1] by reducing the requirement for voting from a majority of shareholders to a majority of attending shareholders at corporation meetings.[2]

During the 1970s, ANCSA regional and village corporations selected land in and around native villages in the state in proportion to their enrolled populations. Village corporations own the surface rights to the lands they selected, but regional corporations own the subsurface rights of both their own selections and of those of the village corporations.

The orginal twelve geographic regions were to be composed "as far as practicable" of Natives having a common heritage and sharing common interests. In the absence of good cause shown to the contrary, the regions were to approximate the areas covered by the operations of the following existing Native associations:

  1. Arctic Slope Native Association (Barrow, Point Hope);

  2. Bering Straits Association (Seward Peninsula, Unalakleet, Saint Lawrence Island);

  3. Northwest Alaska Native Association (Kotzebue);

  4. Association of Village Council Presidents (southwest coast, all villages in the Bethel area, including all villages on the Lower Yukon River and the Lower Kuskokwim River);

  5. Tanana Chiefs' Conference (Koyukuk, Middle and Upper Yukon Rivers, Upper Kuskokwim, Tanana River);

  6. Cook Inlet Association (Kenai, Tyonek, Eklutna, Iliamna);

  7. Bristol Bay Native Association (Dillingham, Upper Alaska Peninsula);

  8. Aleut League (Aleutian Islands, Pribilof Islands and that part of the Alaska Peninsula which is in the Aleut League);

  9. Chugach Native Association (Cordova, Tatitlek, Port Graham, English Bay, Valdez, and Seward);

  10. Tlingit-Haida Central Council (southeastern Alaska, including Metlakatla);

  11. Kodiak Area Native Association (all villages on and around Kodiak Island); and

  12. Copper River Native Association (Copper Center, Glennallen, Chitina, Mentasta).

12 Alaska Native Regional Corporations now govern most of the 229 federally recognized Indian communities and villages of Alaska.

"They were created by the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA), which created Native-owned corporations to provide stewardship of ancestral lands and financial and other resources for Alaska's native people. A 13th corporation, based in Seattle, Washington, (Sealaska) also was formed. Sealaska now has offices in both Alaska and Washington State, and is the largest private landowner in Southeast Alaska.

"The corporations were formed to receive approximately 45 million acres of land transferred from federal to private ownership and to manage investment of $962 million appropriated by Congress as the cash part of the settlement. An exception to this is that the 13th corporation received no land.Alaska natives have a unique relationship with the US Government that is different from the reservation system of the lower 48 states.

"In addition to the regional corporations, some villages have their own village corporations, and there are many tribally affiliated councils who also take leadership roles for the native communities and villages of Alaska." Info from

Regional Corporations:

Urban/Village Corporations and other useful links:

Click map to enlarge.
  1. Afognak Native Corporation.
  2. Ahtna Regional Corporation
  3. Aleut Corporation
  4. Arctic Slope Regional Corporation
  5. Bering Straits Regional Corporation
  6. Bristol Bay Regional Corporation
  7. Calista Regional Corporation
  8. Chugach Alaska Corporation
  9. Cook Inlet Region, Inc.       (CIRI)
  10. Doyon, Limited
  11. Koniag Incorporated
  12. NANA Regional Corporation, Inc.
  13. Sealaska Corporation

Other Links

Alaska Native Villages

Akiachak Community
Bethel Agency
Willie Kasayulie, Pres.
P.O. Box 70
Akiachak, AK 99551
Tel# (907) 825-4029,
Fax# 825-4029

Akiak Community
Bethel Agency
Owen Ivan, Pres.
P.O. Box 52165
Akiak, AK 99552
Tel# (907) 765-7112,
Fax# 765-7112

Aleut Community of St. Paul Island
Anchorage Agency
Rena J. Kudrin, Pres.
P.O. Box 86
St. Paul Island, AK 99660
Tel# (907) 546-2211,
Fax# 546-2407

Allakaket Community
Fairbanks Agency
Gilbert Vent, First Chief
P.O. Box 30
Allakaket, AK 99720
Tel# (907) 968-2241

Andreafski Tribal Council
Bethel Agency
George Beans Sr., Pres.
P.O. Box 368
St. Mary's, AK 99658
Tel# (907) 438-2312,
Fax# 438-2512

Angoon Community Association
Juneau Area Office
Wally Frank, President
P.O. Box 188
Angoon, AK 99820
Tel# (907) 788-3441

Aukquan Traditional Council
Juneau Area Office
Albert Wallace, Chief
9296 Stephen Richards Memorial Drive
Juneau, AK 99801
Tel# (907) 465-4120

Beaver Village
Fairbanks Agency
Arlene Pitka, Chief
P.O. Box 24029
Beaver, AK 99724
Tel# (907) 628-6126

Birch Creek Village Council
Fairbanks Agency
Randall Baalam, First Chief
P.O. Box KBC
Fort Yukon, AK 99740
Tel# (907) 221-9133

Central Council of the
Tlingit and Haida Tribes
Fairbanks Agency
Edward K. Thomas, Pres.
320 W. Willoughby Ave.#300
Juneau, AK 99801
Tel# (907) 586-1432

Chilkat Village of Klukwan
Juneau Area Office
Joe Hotch, Pres.
P.O. Box 210
Haines, AK 99827
Tel# (907) 767-5505,
 Fax# 767-5515

Chilkoot Indian Association of Haines
Juneau Area Office
Charles Paddock, Pres.
P.O. Box 490
Haines, AK 99827
Tel# (907) 766-2310

Chinik Eskimo Community
Nome Agency
Tonsashay Esparza, Pres.
P.O. Box 62020
Golovin, AK 99762
Tel# (907) 822-3503,
Fax# 779-3261

Circle Native Community
Fairbanks Agency
Allen John, Chief
General Delivery
Circle, AK 99733
Tel# (907) 733-5498

Cook Inlet Tribal Council
Lisa Dolchok, Director
670 W. Fireweed Lane
Anchorage, AK 99503
Tel# (907) 276-3343

Craig Community Association
Juneau Area Office
Ralph Mackie, Vice-Pres.
P.O. Box 828
Craig, AK 99821
Tel# (907) 826-3321,
Fax# 826-3980

Dillingham Village Council
Anchorage Agency
Ida Roehl, Pres.
P.O. Box 216
Dillingham, AK 99576
Tel# (907) 842-2384

Douglas Indian Association
Juneau Area Office
Amos Wallace, President
P.O. Box 020478
Juneau, AK 99802
Tel# (907) 586-1798

Egekik Village Council
Anchorage Agency
Richard Deigh, Pres.
P.O. Box 29
Egekik, AK 99579
Tel# (907) 233-2211

Ekwok Village Council
Anchorage Agency
Peter Walcott Sr., Pres.
P.O. Box 70
Ekwok, AK 99580
Tel# (907) 464-3311

Gulkana Village Council
Anchorage Agency
Eileen L. Ewan, Pres.
P.O. Box 254
Gakona, AK 99586
Tel# (907) 822-3746

Healy Lake Village
Fairbanks Agency
Fred Kirsteatter, Pres.
P.O. Box 667
Delta Junction, AK 99737
Tel# (907) 452-7915

Hoonah Indian Association
Juneau Area Office
Kenneth Grant, Pres.
P.O. Box 602
Hoonah, AK 99829
Tel# (907) 945-3220,
Fax# 945-3445

Hughes Village
Fairbanks Agency
Gerald Oldman, Cheif
P.O. Box 45010
Hughes, AK 99745
Tel# (907) 899-2206

Huslia Village Council
Fairbanks Agency
Warner Vent, Chief
P.O. Box 32
Huslia, AK 99746
Tel# (907) 829-2202,
Fax# 829-2214

Hydaburg Cooperative Association
Juneau Area Office
Viola Burgess, Pres.
P.O. Box 323
Hydaburg, AK 99922
Tel# (907) 285-3666,
Fax# 285-3944

Igiugig Village Center
Anchorage Agency
Trefim Andrew, Pres.
P.O. Box 4008
Igiugig, AK 99613
Tel# (907) 533-3211

Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope
Fairbanks Agency
George Edwardson, Pres.
P.O. Box 934
Barrow, AK 99723
Tel# (907) 825-6907

Iqurmuit Tribe
Bethel Agency
Mary Belkoff, Pres.
P.O. Box 9
Russian Mission, AK 99657
Tel# (907) 584-5511

Ivanoff Bay Village
Anchorage Agency
Archie Kalmakoff, Pres.
P.O. Box K1B
Ivanoff Bay, AK 99502
Tel# (907) 699--2204

Kenaitze Indian Tribe
Anchorage Agency
Clara Swan, Chair.
P.O. Box 988
Kenai, AK 99611
Tel# (907) 283-3633

Ketchikan Indian Corporation
Juneau Area Office
Christine Collison, Pres.
429 Deermount Ave.
Ketchikan, AK 99901
Tel# (907) 225-5158,
Fax# 247-0429

King Island Native Community
Nome Agency
Marilyn Koezlina-Irelan, Chief
P.O. Box 992
Nome, AK 99762
Tel# (907) 443-5494

Klawock Cooperative Association
Juneau Area Office
Roseann Demmert, Pres.
P.O. Box 112
Klawock, AK 99925
Tel# (907) 755-2265,
Fax# 755-8800

Knik Village Council
Anchorage Agency
Paul B. Theodore, Pres.
P.O. Box 871565
Wasilla, AK 99687
Tel# (907) 376-2845

Levelock Village
Anchorage Agency
Christopher Apokedak, Pres.
P.O. Box 70
Levelock, AK 99625
Tel# (907) 287-3030

Lime Village
Bethel Agency
Phillip Bobby, Pres.
Lime Village, AK 99627
Tel# (907) 526-5126

Lower Kalskag Village
Bethel Agency
George Sam, Pres.
P.O. Box 27
Lower Kalskag, AK 99626
Tel# (907) 471-2307

Mentasta Lake Village
Anchorage Agency
Norman Ewan, 1st Chief
Mentasta Lake, AK 99780
Tel# (907) 291-2319

Metlakatla Indian Community Council
Portland Area Office
Jim Scudero, Mayor
P.O. Box 8
Metlakatla, AK 99926
Tel# (907) 886-4441,
Fax# 886-7997

Mountain Village
Bethel Agency
Elmer T. Beans, Pres.
P.O. Box 32249
Mountain Village, AK 99632
Tel# (907) 591-2048,
Fax# 591-2234

Napaskiak Village Council
Bethel Agency
Peter Williams Sr., Pres.
P.O. Box 6109
Napaskiak, AK 99559
Tel# (907) 737-7626

Nenana Native Association
Fairbanks Agency
Moses Paul, Chief
P.O. Box 356
Nenana, AK 99760
Tel# (907) 832-5662

New Koliganek Village Council
Anchorage Agency
Herman Nelson, Pres.
P.O. Box 5057
Koliganek, AK 99576
Tel# (907) 596-3434,
Fax# 596-3462

Newhalen Village Council
Anchorage Agency
Gusty Wassillie, Pres.
P.O. Box 165
Iliamna, AK 99606
Tel# (907) 571-1410

Newtok Village Council
Bethel Agency
Larry Charles, Pres.
P.O. Box WWT
Newtok, AK 99559
Tel# (907) 237-2314

Ninilchik Village Traditional Council
Anchorage Agency
Gassim Oskolkoff, Pres.
P.O. Box 39070
Ninilchik, AK 99639
Tel# (907) 567-3313,
Fax# 567-3308

Nome Eskimo Community
Nome Agency
Andrew Miller Jr., Pres.
P.O. Box 1090
Nome, AK 99762
Tel# (907) 443-2246,
Fax# 443-3539

Nondalton Village Council
Anchorage Agency
William Trefon Sr., Pres.
P.O. Box 49
Nondalton, AK 99640
Tel# (907) 294-2254

Noorvik Native Community
Nome Agency
Gordon Newlin, Pres.
P.O. Box 71
Noorvik, AK 99763
Tel# (907) 636-2144

Nulato Village Council
Fairbanks Agency
Victor Nickolas, Pres.
Nulato, AK 99765
Tel# (907) 898-2231

Orutsararmuit Native Council
Bethel Agency
Thadeus Tikiun Jr., Chair.
P.O. Box 927
Bethel, AK 99559
Tel# (907) 543-2608,
Fax# 543-2639

Oscarville Traditional Council
Bethel Agency
Ignati Jacob, Pres.
P.O. Box 1554
Oscarville, AK 99559
Tel# (907) 737-7321

Pedro Bay Village
Anchorage Agency
Carl Jensen, Pres.
P.O. Box 4720
Pedro Bay, AK 99647
Tel# (907) 850-2225

Perryville Village
Anchorage Agency
Harry W. Kosbruk, Pres.
P.O. Box 101
Perryville, AK 99648
Tel# (907) 853-2203

Petersburg Indian Association
Juneau Area Office
Leilani N. Kito, Pres.
P.O. Box 1418
Petersburg, AK 99833
Tel# (907) 772-3636
Fax# 772-3637

Pilot Station Traditional Council
Bethel Agency
Nick Myer, Acting Pres.
P.O. Box 5040
Pilot Station, AK 99650
Tel# (907) 549-3512

Platinum Village Council
Bethel Agency
James . Kasayulie, Pres.
Platinum, AK 99651
Tel# (907) 979-8126

Point Hope Village Council
Fairbanks Agency
Ernie Frankson, Pres.
P.O. Box 91
Point Hope, AK 99766
Tel# (907) 368-2453

Rampart Village Council
Fairbanks Agency
Shiela Woods, Chief
P.O. Box 67029
Rampart, AK 99767
Tel# (907) 358-3312

Red Devil Village
Bethel Agency
Glen Morgan Sr., Pres.
P.O. Box 49
RedDevil, AK 99656
Tel# (907) 447-9901

Seldovia Village Tribe
Bethel Agency
Fred H. Elvasaas, Pres.
P.O. Drawer L
Seldovia, AK 99663
Tel# (907) 234-7625

Shoonaq Tribe of Kodiak
Margaret Roberts, Pres.
P.O. Box 1974
Kodiak, AK 99615
Tel# (907) 486-4449

Sitka Tribe of Alaska
Juneau Area Office
Lawrence Widmark Jr., Pres.
456 Katlian Street
Sitka, AK 99385
Tel# (907) 747-3207,
Fax# 747-4915

South Naknek Village
Anchorage Agency
Donald F. Nielsen, Pres.
P.O. Box 70106
South Naknek, AK 99670
Tel# (907) 246-6566

St. George Island
Anchorage Agency
Gilberty G. Kashevarof, Pres.
P.O. Box 940
St. George Island, AK 99660
Tel# (907) 859-2205

Stebbins Community Association
Nome Agency
Fred Pete Sr., Pres.
P.O. Box 2
Stebbins, AK 99671
Tel# (907) 934-3561, Fax# 934-3560

Teller Village Council
Nome Agency
Wesley Okbaok, Pres.
P.O. Box 509
Teller, AK 99778
Tel# (907) 642-3381,
Fax# 642-4014

Tetlin Village Council
Fairbanks Agency
Donald Joe, Vice Pres.
P.O. Box 520
Tetlin, AK 99780
Tel# (907) 883-2321

Tsimshian Tribal Council
Juneau Area Office
1067B Woodland Ave.
Ketchika, AK 99901
Tel# (907) 225-2961

Tuluksak Native Community
Bethel Agency
John Napoka Sr., Pres.
P.O. Box 156
Tuluksak, AK 99679
Tel# (907) 695-6828

Twin Hills Tribal
Anchorage Agency
Arthur Sharp, Pres.
P.O. Box TWA
Twin Hills, AK 99576
Tel# (907) 525-4820

Ugashik Village
Anchorage Agency
Roy S. Matsuno, Pres.
P.O. Box 651
King Salmon, AK 99613
Tel# (907) 842-4004

Umkumiut Village Council
Bethel Agency
Simon Agnus, Pres.
General Delivery
Nightmute, AK 99690
Tel# (907) 647-6213

Valdez Native Association
P.O. Box 1108
Valdez, AK 99686
Tel# (907) 835-4951

Venetie Village Council
Fairbanks Agency
Eddie Frank, First Chief
P.O. Box 99
Arctic Village, AK 99781
Tel# (907) 849-8212

Village of Kokhanok
Anchorage Agency
John Nelson, Pres.
P.O. Box 1007
Iliamna, AK 99606
Tel# (907) 282-2202

Village Arctic Village
Fairbanks Agency
Tribble Gilbert, Chief
P.O. Box 22050
Arctic Village, AK 99722
Tel# (907) 767-5320

Village of Afognak
P.O. Box 1277
Kodiak, AK 99615
Tel# , Fax# unknown

Village of Akhiok
Anchorage Agency
Nick Peterson, Sr., Pres.
P.O. Box 5030
Akhiok, AK 99615
Tel# (907) 836-2229,
Fax# 836-2209

Village of Akutan
Anchorage Agency
Jacob Stepetin, Pres.
P.O. Box 89
Akutan, AK 99553
Tel# (907) 698-2301

Village of Alakanuk
Bethel Agency
Raymond D. Oney, President
P.O. Box 167
Alakanuk, AK 99554
Tel# (907) 238-3313

Village of Alatna
Fairbanks Agency
Gerald Sam, Chief
General Delivery
Alatna, AK 99720
Tel# (907) 968-2241

Village of Aleknagik
Anchorage Agency
Raymond Conquest, Pres.
P.O. Box 115
Aleknagik, AK 99555
Tel# (907) 842-2229

Village of Algaaciq
Bethel Agency
Moses Paukan, Sr., Pres.
P.O. Box 48
St. Mary's, AK 99658
Tel# (907) 438-2932

Village of Ambler
Nome Agency
Louie Commack, Jr., Pres.
P.O. Box 47
Ambler, AK 99786
Tel# (907) 445-2181

Village of Anaktuvuk Pass
Fairbanks Agency
Raymond Paneak, Pres.
General Delivery
Anaktuvuk Pass, AK 99721
Tel# (907) 661-3113

Village of Aniak
Bethel Agency
Ruth B. Vaska, Pres.
P.O. Box 176
Aniak, AK 99557
Tel# (907) 675-4349

Village of Anvik
Bethel Agency
Ken Chase, Chief
General Delivery
Anvik, AK 99558
Tel# (907) 663-6335

Village of Atka
Anchorage Agency
Raymond Goldoff, Pres.
P.O. 47030
Atka, AK 99574
Tel# (907) 767-8001

Village of Atmautluak
Bethel Agency
Oscar Nick, Pres.
P.O. Box ATT
Atmautluak, AK 99559
Tel# (907) 553-5610

Village of Atqasuk
Fairbanks Agency
Jimmy Nayukok, Pres.
General Delivery
Atkasuk, AK 99723
Tel# , Fax# unknown

Village of Barrow
Fairbanks Agency
Arnold J. Brower Jr., Pres.
P.O. Box 1139
Barrow, AK 99723
Tel# (907) 852-4411

Village of Belkofsky
Anchorage Agency
Simeon Kuzchikin, Pres.
P.O. Box 57
King Cove, AK 99612
Tel# (907) 497-2304

Village of Bill Moore's Slough
Bethel Agency
Mark Okitkun, Chair.
P.O. Box 20037
Kotlik, AK 99620
Tel# (907) 899-4712

Village of Brevig Mission
Nome Agency
Elmer Seetot, Pres.
General Delivery
Brevig Mission, AK 99785
Tel# (907) 642-3851

Village of Buckland
Nome Agency
Percy Ballot, Pres.
P.O. Box 67
Buckland, AK 99727
Tel# (907) 494-2171

Village of Cantwell
Anchorage Agency
David Nicklie, Pres.
P.O. Box 94
Cantwell, AK 99729
Tel# (907) 768-2151

Village of Chalkyitsik
Fairbanks Agency
James Nathaniel Sr., First Chief
P.O. Box 57
Chalkyitsik, AK 99788
Tel# (907) 848-8893

Village of Chanega
Anchorage Agency
Larry Evanoff, President
P.O. Box 8079
Chanega Bay, AK 99574
Tel# (907) 573-5132

Village of Chefornak
Bethel Agency
Steven Billy, Pres.
P.O. Box 29
Chefornak, AK 99561
Tel# (907) 867-8850,
Fax# 867-8429

Village of Chevak
Bethel Agency
James Ayuluk, Pres.
P.O. Box 5514
Chevak, AK 99563
Tel# (907) 858-7428,
Fax# 858-7812

Village of Chickaloon
Anchorage Agency
Alan Larson, Pres.
P.O. Box 1105
Chickaloon, AK 99674
Tel# (907) 746-0505

Village of Chignik
Anchorage Agency
George Tinker, Pres.
P.O. Box 11
Chignik Lake, AK 99563
Tel# (907) 749-2285

Village of Chignik Lagoon
Anchorage Agency
Rodney Anderson, Pres.
P.O. Box 57
Chignik Lagoon, AK 99565
Tel# (907) 840-2206

Village of Chignik Lake
Anchorage Agency
John Lina, Pres.
P.O. Box 33
Chignik Lake, AK 99548
Tel# (907) 845-2212

Village of Chinita
Anchorage Agency
Harry Billum, Pres.
P.O. Box 31
Chinita, AK 99566
Tel# (907) 563-6643

Village of Chistochina
Anchorage Agency
Karen Eskilida, Pres.
P.O. Box 241
Gakona, AK 99586
Tel# (907) 822-3503

Village of Chuloonawick
Bethel Agency
Russ Akers, Pres.
General Delivery
Chuloonawick, AK 99581
Tel# (907) 949-1147

Village of Clark's Point
Anchorage Agency
Joseph Clark, Pres.
P.O. Box 16
Clark's Point, AK 99569
Tel# (907) 236--1221

Village of Crooked Creek
Bethel Agency
Johnnie John Jr., Pres.
P.O. Box 69
Crooked Creek, AK 99575
Tel# (907) 432-2227

Village of Deering
Nome Agency
Wilbur Karmun, Pres.
P.O. Box 89
Deering, AK 99736
Tel# (907) 363-2145

Village of Diomede
Nome Agency
Orville Ahkinga, Pres.
P.O. Box 7099
Diomede, AK 99762
Tel# (907) 686-3021,
Fax# 686-2181

Village of Dot Lake
Fairbanks Agency
William Miller, Pres.
P.O. Box 2272
Dot Lake, AK 99737
Tel# (907) 882-2669,
Fax# 882-2112

Village of Eagle
Fairbanks Agency
David Howard, First Chief
P.O. Box 19
Eagle, AK 99738
Tel# (907) 547-2271

Village of Eek
Bethel Agency
Fritz Willie, Pres.
P.O. Box 87
Eek, AK 99578
Tel# (907) 536-5426

Village of Eklutna
Anchorage Agency
Dorothy Cook , President
26339 Eklutna Village Road
Chugiak, AK 99567
Tel# (907) 688-6020,
Fax# 688-6021

Village of Ekuk
Anchorage Agency
Robert Heyano, Pres.
P.O. Box 1409
Ekuk, AK 99576
Tel# (907) 842-1053

Village of Elim
Nome Agency
Luther Nagaruk, President
P.O. Box 39070
Elim, AK 99739
Tel# (907) 890-3741,
Fax# 890-3072

Village of Emmonak
Bethel Agency
Billy A. Charles, Pres.
General Delivery
Emmonak, AK 99581
Tel# (907) 949-1720,
Fax# 949-1926

Village of Evansville
Fairbanks Agency
Rhonda Musser, Clerk
P.O. Box 26025
Evansville, AK 99726
Tel# (907) 692-5467

Eyak Corporation
P.O. Box 340
Cordova, AK 99574-0340
Phone 907-424-7161
Fax 907-424-5161

Village of Eyak
Anchorage Agency
Ruth Hansen, Pres.
P.O. Box 1388
Cordova, AK 99574
Tel# (907) 424-3622

Village of False Pass
Anchorage Agency
Gilda Shellikoff, Vice Pres.
P.O. Box 29
False Pass, AK 99583
Tel# (907) 548-2227,
Fax# 548-2214

Village of Fort Yukon
Fairbanks Agency
Clarence L. Alexander, Chief
P.O. Box 126
Fort Yukon, AK 99740
Tel# (907) 662-2581,
Fax# 662-2222

Village of Gakona
Anchorage Agency
David Gene, Pres.
P.O. Box 124
Gakona, AK 99586
Tel# (907) 822-3497

Village of Galena
Fairbanks Agency
Paddy Nollner, Chief
P.O, Box 182
Galena, AK 99741
Tel# (907) 656-1666

Village of Gambell
Nome Agency
Gerrard Koonooka, Pres.
P.O. Box 99
Gambell, AK 99742
Tel# (907) 985-5346,
Fax# 985-5520

Village of Georgetown
Bethel Agency
Glen Fredericks, Pres.
General Delivery
Georgetown, AK

Village of Goodnews Bay
Bethel Agency
James M. Smith, Pres.
P.O. Box 3
Goodnews Bay, AK 99589
Tel# (907) 697-8629

Village of Grayling
Fairbanks Agency
Henry Deacon, Pres.
General Delivery
Grayling, AK 99590
Tel# (907) 967-8929

Village of Hamilton
Bethel Agency
Willie Kamkoff, Pres.
P.O. Box 20130
Koatlik, AK 99620
Tel# (907) 899-4313,
Fax# 899-4826

Village of Holy Cross
Fairbanks Agency
Stan Peters, Chief
P.O. Box 203
Holy Cross, AK 99602
Tel# (907) 476-7134

Village of Hooper Bay
Bethel Agency
Joseph Smart, Pres.
P.O. Box 2193
Hooper Bay, AK 99604
Tel# (907) 758-4915,
Fax# 758-4815

Village of Iliamna
Anchorage Agency
Harvey Anelon, Pres.
P.O. Box 286
Iliamna, AK 99606
Tel# (907) 571-1246

Village of Kake
Juneau Area Office
Henrich Kadake, Pres.
P.O. Box 316
Kake, AK 99830
Tel# (907) 785-6471,
Fax# 785-4902

Village of Kaktovik
Fairbanks Agency
Archie Brower, Pres.
P.O. Box 8
Kaktonik, AK 99747

Village of Kalskag
Bethel Agency
Annie Lou Williams, Pres.
General Delivery
Kalskag, AK 99607
Tel# (907) 471-2248

Village of Kaltag
Nome Agency
Franklin Madros Sr., Chief
P.O. Box 9
Kaltag, AK 99748
Tel# (907) 534-2230

Village of Kanatak
Anchorage Agency
Mariane Shanigan, CEO
P.O. Box 693
Dillingham, AK 99576
Tel# (907) 842-4004,
Fax# 274-3721

Village of Karluk
Anchorage Agency
Alecia Reft, Pres.
P.O. Box 22
Karluk, AK 99608
Tel# (907) 241-2218,
Fax# 241-2203

Village of Kasaan
Juneau Area Office
Louis Thompson, Pres.
General Delivery
Kasaan, AK 99924
Tel# (907) 542-2214,
Fax# 542-2215

Village of Kasigluk
Bethel Agency
Yanko Brink, Pres.
P.O. Box 19
Kasigluk, AK 99609
Tel# (907) 477-6927

Village of Kiana
Nome Agency
Ben Atoruk, Pres.
P.O. Box 69
Kiana, AK 99749
Tel# (907) 475-2109

Village of Kipnuk
Bethel Agency
Johnnie Paul, Pres.
P.O. Box 57
Kipnuk, AK 99614
Tel# (907) 896-5515,
Fax# 896-5240

Village of Kivalina
Nome Agency
Joseph Swan Sr., Pres.
P.O. Box 50051
Kivalina, AK 99750
Tel# (907) 645-2153

Village of Kluti-Kaah
Anchorage Agency
Sam George, Pres.
P.O. Box 68
Copper Center, AK 99573
Tel# (907) 822-5541

Village of Kobuk
Nome Agency
Kobuk, AK 99751
Tel# (907) 948-2214

Village of Kongiganak
Bethel Agency
Martina Azean, Pres.
P.O. Box 5069
Kongiganak, AK 99559
Tel# (907) 557-5226,
Fax# 557-5611

Village of Kotlik
Bethel Agency
Michael Hunt, Pres.
P.O. Box 20096
Kotlik, AK 99620
Tel# (907) 899-4326

Village of Kotzebue
Nome Agency
Peter Schaeffer, Chair.
P.O. Box 296
Kotzebue, AK 99752
Tel# (907) 442-3467,
Fax# 442-2162

Village of Koyuk
Nome Agency
Roy Otten, Pres.
P.O. Box 30
Koyuk, AK 99753
Tel# (907) 984-6414,
Fax# 984-3442

Village of Koyukuk
Fairbanks Agency
Leo Lolnitz, Chief
P.O. Box 49
Koyukuk, AK 99754
Tel# (907) 927-2214

Village of Kwethluk
Bethel Agency
Joseph Guy, Pres.
P.O. Box 84
Kwethluk, AK 99621
Tel# (907) 757-6714,
Fax# 757-6328

Village of Kwigillingok
Bethel Agency
Willie Atti, Pres.
P.O. Box 49
Kwigillingok, AK 99622
Tel# (907) 588-8114,
Fax# 588-8429

Village of Kwinhagak
Bethel Agency
Wassillie Bavilla, Pres.
Kwinhagak, AK 99655
Tel# (907) 556-8449,
Fax# 556-8449

Village of Larsen Bay
Anchorage Agency
Roy Jones Jr., Pres.
P.O. Box 35
Larsen Bay, AK 99624
Tel# (907) 847-2207

Village of Manley Hot Springs
Fairbanks Agency
Dixie Dayo, Pres.
Manley Hot Springs, AK 99756
Tel# (907) 672-3331

Village of Manokotak
Anchorage Agency
Wassillie Tugatuk, Pres.
P.O. Box 169
Manokotak, AK 99628
Tel# (907) 289-2067

Village of Marshall
Bethel Agency
Alvin Owletuck Sr., Pres.
P.O. Box 10
Fortuna Ledge, AK 99585
Tel# (907) 679-6215,
Fax# 679-6220

Village of McGrath
Bethel Agency
Lewis Vanderpool, Chief
P.O. Box 134
McGrath, AK 99627
Tel# (907) 524-3024

Village of Mekoryuk
Bethel Agency
Solomon Williams, Pres.
P.O. Box 66
Mekoryuk, AK 99630
Tel# (907) 827-8828,
Fax# 827-8215

Village of Minto
Fairbanks Agency
Berkman Silas, Chief
P.O. Box 26
Minto, AK 99758
Tel# (907) 798-7112

Village of Naknek
Anchorage Agency
Norman Anderson, Pres.
P.O. Box 106
Naknek, AK 99633
Tel# (907) 246-4210

Village of Nanwalek
Anchorage Agency
Vincent Kvasnikoff, Pres.
Homer, AK 99603
Tel# (907) 281-9219

Village of Napaimute
Bethel Agency
Agnes E. Charles, Pres.
P.O. Box 96
Aniak, AK 99557
Tel# , Fax# unknown

Village of Napakiak
Bethel Agency
Albert Kernak, Pres.
General Delivery
Napakiak, AK 99634
Tel# (907) 589-2227

Village of Nelson Lagoon
Anchorage Agency
Paul Gunderson, Pres.
P.O. Box 13-NLG
Nelson Lagoon, AK 99571
Tel# (907) 989-2204,
Fax# 989-2234

Village of New Stuyahok
Anchorage Agency
Natalia Wassiliey, Pres.
P.O. Box 49
New Stuyahok, AK 99636
Tel# (907) 693-3173

Village of Nightmute
Bethel Agency
Dick Anthony, V. Pres.
Nightmute, AK 99690
Tel# (907) 647-6213

Village of Nikolai
Fairbanks Agency
Ignatti Petruaka, Chief
Rural Branch
Nikolai, AK 99691
Tel# (907) 293-2226

Village of Nikolski
Anchorage Agency
Leonte Ermeloff, Pres.
General Delivery
Nikolski, AK 99638
Tel# (907) 576-2225
Fax# 576-2205

Village of Noatak
Nome Agency
Rickie Ashby, Pres.
P.O. Box 89
Noatak, AK 99761
Tel# (907) 485-2173

Village of Northway
Fairbanks Agency
Leo Titus, Pres.
P.O. Box 516
Northway, AK 99764
Tel# (907) 778-2271

Village of Nuiqsut
Fairbanks Agency
Maggie Kavalsky, Mayor
Nuiqsut, AK 99723
Tel# (907) 480-6714

Village of Nunapitchuk
Bethel Agency
Chuck Chuliak, Pres.
P.O. Box 130
Nunapitchuk, AK 99641
Tel# (907) 527-5705

Village of Ohogamiut
Bethel Agency
Nick Isaac, Pres.
General Delivery
Fortuna Ledge, AK 99585
Tel# (907) 679-6740

Village of Old Harbor
Anchorage Agency
Tony Azuyak, Pres.
P.O. Box 62
Old Harbor, AK 99643
Tel# (907) 286-2215

Village of Ouzinkie
Anchorage Agency
Joe Lianos, Pres.
P.O. Box 130
Ouzinkie, AK 99644
Tel# (907) 680-2259

Native Village of Paimiut (NVP), Harold Napoleon, Tribal Administrator,
PO Box 240084,
Anchorage, AK
(907) 561-9878/
Phone, (907) 563-5398

Native Village of Paimiut, Tribal Council, Franklin Napoleon, President,
PO Box 230,
Hooper Bay, AK 99604
(907) 785-4002/Phone,
(907) 758-4024/Fax

Paimiut Corporation,
This info may be out
of date. . .
PO Box 240084,
Anchorage, AK
(907) 561-9878/Phone,
(907) 563-5398/Fax

Village of Pilot Point
Anchorage Agency
James Shannigan, Pres.
P.O. Box 449
Pilot Point, AK 99649
Tel# (907) 797-2208

Village of Pitka's Point
Bethel Agency
William John, Pres.
P.O. Box 127
St. Mary's, AK 99658
Tel# (907) 438-2833

Village of Point Lay
Fairbanks Agency
Annie Martin, Village Coordinator
P.O. Box 101
Point Lay, AK 99759
Tel# (907) 833-2428

Village of Port Graham
Anchorage Agency
Eleanor McMullen, Pres.
P.O. Box PGM
Port Graham, AK 99603
Tel# (907) 284-2227

Village of Port Heiden
Anchorage Agency
Robert Christiansen, Pres.
P.O. Box 49007
Port Heiden, AK 99549
Tel# (907) 284-2218

Village of Port Lions
Anchorage Agency
Robert J. Nelson, Pres.
P.O. Box 69
Port Lions, AK 99550
Tel# (907) 454-2234

Village of Portage Creek
Anchorage Agency
Charlie Johnson, Pres.
P.O. Box 1031
Portage Creek, AK 99576
Tel# (907) 842-5218

Village of Ruby
Fairbanks Agency
Donald Honea Sr., Pres.
General Delivery
Ruby, AK 99768
Tel# (907) 468-4406

Village of Salmantoff
Anchorage Agency
James Sequra, Pres.
P.O. Box 2682
Kenai, AK 99611
Tel# (907) 283-7864

Village of Sand Point
Anchorage Agency
Glenn Gardner Jr., Pres.
P.O. Box 447
Sand Point, AK 99661
Tel# (907) 383-3525,
Fax# 383-3535

Village of Savoonga
Nome Agency
Kenneth Kingeekuk, Pres.
P.O. Box 129
Savoonga, AK 99769
Tel# (907) 984-6414,
Fax# 984-6027

Village of Saxman
Juneau Area Office
Joyce Frank, Pres.
Route 2, Box 2
Ketchikan, AK 99901
Tel# (907) 225-5163

Village of Scammon Bay
Bethel Agency
Timothy Kaganak, Pres.
P.O. Box 126
Scammon Bay, AK 99662
Tel# (907) 558-5113,
Fax# 558-5626

Village of Selawik
Nome Agency
Alan Ticket Sr., Pres.
P.O. Box 59
Selawik, AK 99770
Tel# (907) 484-2225,
Fax# 484-2226

Village of Shageluk
Bethel Agency
Hamilton Hamilton Sr., Chief
General Delivery
Shageluk, AK 99665
Tel# (907) 473-8239

Village of Shaktoolik
Nome Agency
Edgar Jackson, Pres.
P.O. Box 100
Shaktoolik, AK 99771
Tel# (907) 955-3701,
Fax# 955-3151

Village of Sheldon's Point
Bethel Agency
Edward J. Adams Sr., Pres.
General Delivery
Sheldon's Point, AK 99666
Tel# (907) 498-4226

Village of Shishmaref
Nome Agency
Stella Weyiouanna, Pres.
P.O. Box 72110
Shishmaref, AK 99772
Tel# (907) 649-3921,
Fax# 649-3013

Village of Shungnak
Nome Agency
Ernest Berry, Pres.
P.O. Box 63
Shungnak, AK 99773
Tel# (907) 437-2163

Village of Skagway
Juneau Area Office
Minnie Stevens, Pres.
P.O. Box 399
Skagway, AK 99840
Tel# (907) 983-2885

Village of Sleetmute
Bethel Agency
Jane Zaukar, Pres.
P.O. Box 21
Sleetmute, AK 99668
Tel# (907) 449-9901

Village of Solomon
Nome Agency
Rose Ann Timbers, Pres.
P.O. Box 243
Solomon, AK 99762
Tel# (907) 443-2844,
Fax# 443-5098

Village of St. Michael
Nome Agency
Pius Washington, Pres.
General Delivery
St. Michael, AK 99659
Tel# (907) 923-3222,
Fax# 923-3142

Village of Stevens
Fairbanks Agency
Horace Smoke, 1st Chief
General Delivery
Stevens Village, AK 99774-7749
Tel# (907) 478-9226

Village of Stoney River
Bethel Agency
Nattie Donhauser, Pres.
P.O. Box SRV
Stoney River, AK 99557
Tel# (907) 537-3214

Village of Takotna
Bethel Agency
David Miller, First Chief
P.O. Box TYC
Takotna, AK 99675
Tel# (907) 298-2212

Village of Tanacross
Fairbanks Agency
Eileen Kozevnikoff, Executive Director
P.O. Box 77130
Tanacross, AK 99776
Tel# (907) 366-7160

Village of Tanana
Fairbanks Agency
Dennis Charley, Pres.
P.O. Box 77093
Tanana, AK 99777
Tel# (907) 366-7160,
Fax# 366-7195

Village of Tatitlek
Anchorage Agency
Gary Kompkoff, Pres.
P.O. Box 171
Tatitlek, AK 99677
Tel# (907) 325-2311

Village of Tazlina
Anchorage Agency
Robert Marshall, Pres.
P.O. Box 188
Glenallen, AK 99588
Tel# (907) 822-5965

Village of Telida
Fairbanks Agency
Steve Eluska, Chief
General Delivery
Telida, AK 99629
Tel# (907) 843-8115

Village of Togiak
Anchorage Agency
Jack Hyexikok, Pres.
P.O. Box 209
Togiak, AK 99678
Tel# (907) 493-5920

Toghotthele Corporation
PO Box 249
Nenana, AK. 99760
Jim Sackett, CEO/President
Martha Ketzler, Office Mgr.
(907)-832-5832 phone
(907)-832-5834 fax

Village of Toksook Bay
Bethel Agency
Joseph Asuluk, Pres.
Nelson Island
Toksook, AK 99637
Tel# (907) 427-7114
Fax# 427-7714

Village of Tuntutuliak
Bethel Agency
Peter Pavilla, Pres.
P.O. Box 77
Tuntutuliak, AK 99680
Tel# (907) 256-2128

Village of Tununak
Bethel Agency
John J. Oscar, Pres.
P.O. Box 77
Tununak, AK 99681
Tel# (907) 652-6527,
Fax# 652-6011

Village of Tyonek
Anchorage Agency
Donald Standifer, Pres.
P.O. Box 82009
Tyonek, AK 99682
Tel# (907) 583-2201

Village of Unalakleet
Nome Agency
Stanton Katchatag, Pres.
P.O. Box 270
Unalakleet, AK 99684
Tel# (907) 624-3622,
Fax# 624-3402

Village of Unalaska
Anchorage Agency
Harriet Berikoff, Pres.
P.O. Box 334
Unalaska, AK 99685
Tel# (907) 581-2290,
Fax# 581-3644

Village of Unga
Anchorage Agency
Bjorne Lee, Pres.
P.O. Box 508
Sand Point, AK 99661
Tel# (907) 383-5215

Village of Wainwright
Fairbanks Agency
George Agnassaga, Pres.
P.O. Box 184
Wainwright, AK 99782
Tel# (907) 763-2726

Village of Wales
Nome Agency
Luther Komonaseak, Pres.
P.O. Box 549
Wales, AK 99783
Tel# (907) 664-3511,
Fax# 664-3641

Village of White Mountain
Nome Agency
Lincoln Simon, Pres.
P.O. Box 84082
White Mountain, AK 99784
Tel# (907) 638-3651,
Fax# 638-3421

Village of Yakutat
Juneau Area Office
Bert Adams Sr., Pres.
P.O. Box 418
Yakutat, AK 99689
Tel# (907) 784-3932,
Fax# 784-3595

Village of Mary's Igloo
Nome Agency
Dan Topkok, Pres.
P.O. Box 572
Teller, AK 99778
Tel# (907) 642-3731

Wrangell Cooperative Association
Juneau Area Office
Margaret Sturtevant, Pres.
P.O. Box 868
Wrangell, AK 99929
Tel# (907) 874-3747

bulletAdministration for Native Americans
bulletAlaska Federation of Natives (largest statewide native organization in Alaska)
bulletAlaska Growth Capital
bulletAlaska Inter Tribal Council
bulletAlaska Village Initiatives
bullet Alaska Native Commission Reports
bulletAlaska Native Heritage Center
bulletAlaska Native Knowledge Network
bulletAlaska Native Studies Curriculum and Teacher Development Site
bulletAlaska Native Village CEO Associations
bullet Alaska’s People
bulletAleutian/Pribilof Islands Association
bulletANCSA Resource Center
bulletAssociation of Village Council Presidents
bullet(Barrow) Ukpeagvik Ińupiat Corporation.
bulletBethel Native Corporation
bulletBristol Bay Native Association
bullet Bureau of Indian Affairs
bulletCape Fox Corporation
bulletChenega Corporation, a village corporation in the Prince William Sound area.
bulletCook Inlet Tribal Council
Gloria O’Neill, President & CEO
3600 San Jeronimo Drive
Anchorage, AK 99508
(907) 793-3600
bullet Deloycheet, Inc.
bulletDenali Commission
bullet Eklutna, Inc.
bulletFestival of Native Arts
bulletFirst Alaskans Institute
bulletGoldbelt, Inc.
bulletHaida Corporation
bulletHuna Heritage Foundation
bulletHuna Totem Corporation
bulletInstitute of American Indian & Alaska Native Culture & Arts Development
bulletKlukwan, Inc.
bulletKootznoowoo, Inc.
bullet Kikiktagruk Inupiat Corporation
(Kotzebue’s village corporation located in the NANA region.) P.O. Box 1050
Kotzebue, AK 99752
fax 907-442-2165
bulletKuskokwim Corporation (a merged village corporation for 10 middle Kuskokwim villages, The villages include Lower Kalskag, Upper Kalskag, Aniak, Chuathbaluk, Napaimute, Crooked Creek, Red Devil, Georgetown, Sleetmute and Stony River.)
bulletManiilaq Asociation
bullet Salamatof Native Association
bulletShee-Atiká Incorporated
bulletSitka Tribe of Alaska
bullet Sitnasuak Native Corporation
bulletSouthcentral Foundation
bulletTanana Chiefs Conference
bulletTetlin Native Corporation, Tok, Alaska (907) 883-6652
e-mail: Did not participate in ANCSA; full title to former reservation lands.
bulletTlingit & Haida Central Council
bullet University of Alaska Justice Center Web Site - Alaska Natives and First Nations

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